An 8-bit journey
to the corner office
I.T. Education.
It’s like a power-up for your career.
Comptia’s Certmaster training and certification program isn’t just about becoming a smarter IT professional. Frankly, it’s a path toward career enhancement. To make this clear to IT people, we recast the digital hazards of the enterprise environment as a video game — complete with dozens of inside gamer references. Not only does the creative cast Certmaster as a power-up to a better salary, having the video’s viewers find all the game references helped fuel the social component of the campaign.
”A fun throwback commercial featuring nods to classic ’90s video games.”
50 video game easter eggs.
35 different games.
To spur on social conversation, we hid over 50 video game easter eggs from 35 different classic titles in the spot. Whoever found them all first received a free certification from CompTIA.